Monday, May 28, 2018

The scary dog himself

It has been a really great week! For those of you in Sweden, happy mother's day (yesterday)! And for everyone else in the US, happy Memorial Day!!! Go America (and the mother's of Sweden!)

This week we went on splits, and I stayed in Borlänge. But something interesting happened! This was my first time having a companion who wasn't younger than me on the mission! It just felt strange to be the one expected to be not only in charge, but also actually good at Swedish! It turned out well, but felt strange!

We had a ward party this last week as well. It was a big grill and we also played some games, like kubb. Needless to say, I crushed the Swedes at their own game! It felt strange to have to go home because of our 9:00 curfew that night though. It was still very light out and the sun was still shining, so it did not feel like it was time for us to go home and be getting ready for bed! I think the sun sets officially past 10:00 now, and it is definitely noticable!

A little bit of a funny story. We went to go visit a less active member of the ward, and when we first knocked, nobody answered the door. We rang the doorbell again, but still nothing. We were pretty sure that the man was in the backyard though. From the sidewalk we glanced down their sideyard to see a large dog in their backyard, but I was pretty sure the man was back there too. I hyped myself up with the ''perfect love casteth out all fear'' scripture, and began to walk down the sideyard. The big (and scary!) dog looked up and stared directly at me, and in that moment, my fear got un-casted out. I have learned that I need to work on charity and developing love, because in that moment, I felt plenty of fear and for the sake of my own life, I got outa there as quickly as I could! I will work on my love and report how it goes next time we stop by that house!

It was a good week last week, and I've really seen miracles take place out here. Have a good week everyone!

Elder Nelson

Pic 1: Forest
Pic 2: the scary dog himself

Monday, May 21, 2018

Another week come and gone

It is crazy how another week has come and gone! But here we are on Monday once again! Firstly, Sweden is seriously so beautiful! Now that Summer is pretty much here, you can just see how beautiful Sweden is (and bright, don't forget that!). But I'm going to get right into the week!

This week we got to have district meeting out in Gävle with the whole district, and it was a party! Every single companionship changed in the district last transfer, so it was way fun to get to know all the new people! And then we ate lunch at an American Pizza Buffet in the city, and I hate to give a potentially low rating, but it definitely wasn't American pizza! It was good nonetheless!

We did a lot of normal missionary work this week, a lot of tracting, street contacting, and some teaching. Something I have thought a lot about this week though is how important the Gospel actually is. It really truly is a blessing to know about Jesus Christ, and then to actually be a part of His true church. Don't take that knowledge for granted! I recently had the chance to give a talk while in Sacrament meeting here, and I discussed building our foundations upon Christ. Helaman 5:12 is a very common one about builidng our foundations upon Christ, but I think that D&C 6:34 is a great one as well. It says
' Therefore, fear not, little aflock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are bbuilt upon my rock, they cannot prevail.'
 And that is the testimony that I want to leave with you, that when we build our foundation upon Christ, we can't fall.

The church is true, and I have seen miracles here! Have a great week everyone!

Elder Nelson

Pic 1: The new district!
Pic 2: My and my comp (being lost and trying to figure out directions)
Pic 3: Nature and stuff!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Good ol' Borlänge (New companion edition)

Hello hello!

Quite a lot of stuff happened this week! Firstly, I officially kicked my old companion out of Borlänge. After 2 transfers together, Elder Waters moved to a city called Malmö. So I now have a new companion, Elder Petersen. He is from Utah (a town called Wellsville) and has been in Sweden around a year and a half. It is always strange to switch companions, but I'm sure things will continue to be good!

Transfers were a little interesting! My old companion left Borlänge at 12:00 on Tuesday, and my new companion came to Borlänge at 7:00 pm on Wednesday. So to avoid me just hanging out by myself for 30 hours, I went down on a train to Uppsala and got to be there for the day. Everything was in bloom down there and was beautiful, so I took a few pictures. And eventually I got back onto a train with my new companion, so that was good!

The work has been going pretty normally, not too many crazy things happened. But we had a little miracle happen! Things happened to work out in such a way that we were actually able to have 6 investigators in sacrament meeting this week! It was amazing to see how it worked out to get us there! Besides that we have just been working hard and have found several new investigators. It has been really good!

Ok, that's about everything this week! Happy mothers day yesterday to all the moms out there! Have a good week everyone!

Elder Nelson

Pic 1: Hej då Äldste Waters
Pic 2-3: Uppsala is in bloom!

Monday, May 7, 2018

New companion!

It's that time again! So my companion, Elder Waters, is moving out of Borlänge and heading to Malmö, the 3rd largest city in Sweden. And I am getting a new companion, an Elder named Elder Peterson. But I'm not companions with him yet, so I can update you all about him when I meet him!

Sweden has officially gotten super green! The trees have leaves now, the wildflowers have come out, and the weather is nice and sunny! Spring and summer have finally come and I am enjoying it!

There's nothing super special that happened this week. We did a lot of finding work, we taught several investigators, and live was patty normal actually. Lately we have been having some more success with tracting, and that has been nice! We've been let in and taught several people and had some good lessons! But nothing too out of the ordinary.

Cool quote of the week:
"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul"

I think that's about it for me! Have a fantastic week, and happy mothers day to all the moms out there!

Elder Nelson

Pic 1: Its a big horsie

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Elder Renlund, Valborg, and Zone Conference!

It has been a really good and exciting week so far! I'm actually going to hop right into it!

Firstly, we had our Zone Conference this week, which may not seem overly special, but we became a technology mission as the zone conference! So we got our phones, logged into Facebook, and all that! It should be an exciting adjustment time, and we will also be moving all the records we have to the phones. That means from now on, records will only be kept online, no more area book! There were a lot of changes made very quickly, but it was an exciting time and I look forward to helping missionary work with it.

The next big event was that Elder Renlund of the Quorum of the 12 visited Sweden! On Sunday night we watched a broadcast where he spoke to all the members in Sweden. And he even did it in Swedish because he was raised here! It was a really cool experience to hear. And then on Monday (so yesterday for me) there was a meeting with him for all the missionaries in Sweden. We sadly didn't get to be there in person, but we still got to watch the 2 1/2 hour meeting from an apostle just for missionaries! It was a very special experience, and I am grateful for the chance we had to be a part of that!

Lastly, a holiday called Valborg (valborgsmässoafton actually) happened yesterday. I don't know the exact reason why they do it, but basically people make GIANT fires. It was awesome! We went with our bishop's family to look at a fire and it was so cool! I'll add some pictures, don't worry!

That was the exciting stuff for the week! I hope you all have a good upcoming week!

Elder Nelson

Pic 1-2: Valborg
Pic 3: Watching Elder Renlund
Pic 4: We got bikes!

Final letter - Home on Thursday

The time has finally come and I'm writing my last weekly email as a missionary. Where has all the time gone? On Tuesday I'll take a ...