Monday, August 12, 2019

Final letter - Home on Thursday

The time has finally come and I'm writing my last weekly email as a missionary. Where has all the time gone? On Tuesday I'll take a train to Stockholm, on Wednesday my group and I will go to the temple (My first time in 22 months), and then on Thursday (my 20th birthday) I fly home. I wanted to end with my testimony and some thoughts.

I have repeatedly felt of God's love and watchfulness throughout my missionary service. It is a wonderful thing to pray and feel His peace every night. I believe in the power of prayer and have relieved many small and specific answers to my prayers.

I have seen how faith in Jesus Christ bring peace and joy into lives. Seeing people change and a light come into their lives is one of the sweetest things I've experienced as a missionary.

There are many experiences, some exciting and adventurous, others tender and spiritual, that I could share but I think I'll keep this short. I am so grateful for this chance I had to be a missionary! I've met many amazing people, seen incredible examples of faith and diligence among the members here, and loved serving among the people of Sweden.

I've read that the entire mission of the church is to help people come unto Christ, whether it be through missionary work, helping members make and keep covanents, or doing work for the dead. It has been a special experience to have that as my personal mission everyday. I want to end with a final invitation to you. I invite you to make a change (or changes, if necessary) to come closer to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Christ, and there is nothing more important for each and every one of us than to individually come to Him.

Thank you for following me along this journey!

Elder Nelson

Monday, August 5, 2019

Last full week

Well, today marks the first day of my last full week as a missionary. What a mixture of emotions! This last week was a really great one though.

I had my last zone conference this last Thursday and it was good to get to see a lot of people I know as well as give my last testimony at a zone conference. Our mission President is inspired and I love the chance to feel the spirit strongly there.

We went out with a less active member and his little son this last week and picked berries out in the forest! It was a beautiful morning and we had a really great opportunity to get to know the member a lot better. We also found and ate blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries which was really fun!

Things have gone really well with those we teach! We have someone really positive that came to church on Sunday and they had a really great church experience. Things are going well here in Kungsbacka!

We do service for a group that is similar to DI each week. People donate things and then they are sold second hand, and the profits go to helping different projects in 3rd world countries. This week we helped to fill up a giant truck full of clothes, furniture, and other things like toys that couldn't get sold here, so they are being shipped to where they can help people. The truck we filled was headed to Estonia I believe. But it was some great service and we got a lot done!

Recently I've been reminded time after time the importance of doing some simple things, such as reading in the scriptured and praying daily, and partaking of the sacrament. I know there is a depth and meaning that comes into human lives as we do so. There is more peace and joy and reasurrance available to everyone through those small actions. Keep doing so, and if you're not doing them now, then start! It makes all the difference.

I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Here are the berries, the empty truck before we started, and where we took cover for a few minutes when it started raining like crazy!

Final letter - Home on Thursday

The time has finally come and I'm writing my last weekly email as a missionary. Where has all the time gone? On Tuesday I'll take a ...