Monday, January 28, 2019

Mission tour and February around the corner


It has been a really great week here in Landskrona and Helsingborg. We even got a good amount of snow on Saturday and Sunday which was pretty exciting. But here are a few highlights from the week.

This week we had district meeting with the Elders and Sisters from both Helsingborg and Halmstad together here in Helsingborg. It was really great, and then for lunch afterwards we went to an amazing Korean Barbeque place. The buffet food was good, the "make your own plate and they cook it for you" part was tasty, and the ice cream machine topped it all off! Following that we had a group of students from a nearby high school come to the church and we and the bishop answered questions and right them about what we believed. It was a really fun experience!

Looking back on it, we've been taken out to eat by people a good amount this week as well. Our ward mission leader took us out to a restaurant called Pinchos with all the other YSAs on Friday night, and some visiting members invited out to eat for lunch on Saturday. It's been good!

We had some great little miracles this last week. Firstly was that after we stopped by a person's house that had told us we could come back last week but who wasn't home that day, we moved to an apartment building where we had been before. An inactive member apparently lives there, so we knocked to try to find them. And the first door we knocked was an older Swedish gentleman who allowed us to teach him and leave a Book of Mormon with him. The next door we knocked was a younger man who we talked to for a while, left a Book of Mormon, and who told us we could come back. It showed me that even though our first plan fell through, the Lord had a better larger plan.

Life is great here! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Elder Nelson

Monday, January 21, 2019

Moving to Landskrona!

Well, I have officially moved from Göteborg and into Skåne! And for anyone not familiar with the areas in Sweden, my area is very close to Denmark, I can see it from here! With being so close to them, the people here speak a little funny! Some of the pronunciation is a little more like Danish than other parts of Sweden. But so far I have really loved it here, even if I do miss Göteborg a little. Both are amazing places! I am companions with Elder Ahonen from my MTC group, and he's from Finland. It has been a blast so far and I am excited to see the good things we'll do this transfer!

We don't have a lot of time left, so I am going to hurry and write some highlights!

We went and visited a super sweet museum last P day. It was a 5 story indoor rainforest with free roaming animals and stuff. It was amazing!

I gave a talk this last Sunday to introduce myself, and we also sung a musical number. We sang Be Still My Soul with verses in English, Finnish, and Swedish. It was awesome!

We had dinner with a member that lives in a house that was first built in 1848 and was right on the oceanside. It was absolutely gorgeous!

The week has been an awesome one and I hope you all have a good oncoming one!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Well, I'm moving again

It's been an exciting week with some interesting news. I found out that I'll be moving to a city called Helsingborg on Wednesday! It definitely was a pretty big surprise and I was not expecting the move. It makes me really sad to leave Västra Frölunda and Göteborg in general! It's been awesome here! But I'm sure things will be good down there as well. I'll actually be with a Finnish companion, an Elder from my group named Elder Ahonen. It'll be exciting to see how it goes!

The week has been good though! Because if Christmas and New Years, the time available to go on splits had been cut down, so we had to cram two of them in last week. Both were good though! I was here for one of them and in Kungsbacka for the other. The one in Kungsbacka turned out really well! We were biking full speed from lessons or meals with less actives and people being taught all day and it felt good! Then the highlight was probably the very end of the night when a less active member took us out grilling for our dinner! It was way fun and a really good day! Then later in the week we had another member take us out to a Turkish grill restaurant as well. The food has been tasty this week!

Things have been going well with our people here. We've had several more people whose doors we'd knocked on let us come back, teach them, and set up return appointments to teach them. So the teaching has been improving and the people progressing has gone up significantly with the new year! The two most progressing people right now are a 20 year old man named Axel and then a 50 or so man named Tom. Things are looking up though!

It is sad to be leaving this area so quickly and to have to say goodbye to so many amazing people. A line from a hymn comes to mind:
"What greater gift doth thou bestow,
What greater goodness can we know
Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
Strengthen our faith, enrich our days."
(Each Life That Touches Ours for Good, 293)
I'm so grateful for the people I've been able to meet, spend time with, and get to becomes friends with here in Göteborg! Let's see what other kinds of adventures the Lord has in store in Helsingborg!

Have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Monday, January 7, 2019

Välkommen 2019

Here is the first weekly email of 2019! And it has been a good week so far!

New Years and New Years Eve were both really great. On New Years Eve we got a lot of missionaries together and played volleyball at the church! It was way fun! Afterwards we got pizza together and then headed home. We had to be home at 7pm but we had permission to stay up until midnight! So we did lots of exciting things like playing Go Fish, checkers, defrosting the freezer, and reading the scriptures. It was a party! And then the fireworks came at midnight. And they were outstanding! Even where we lived in a suburb in a neighbourhood there were fireworks everywhere! It felt like we were in a war zone! There were just explosions all around and other shut way constantly getting flashed and filled with light. It was really cool! Then on New Years Day, we had dinner and put together a puzzle with the Kelleys, a senior missionary couple. It was a great two days!

Besides the holidays, we also got back to work! One highlight really sticks out to me was when we met a man named Axel. He is around 22 and when we knocked on his door, he asked who we were and after hearing the church's name he invited us right in. We got to teach him, and things are going pretty well. We'll be back over and visiting him again tomorrow. But yeah, things are going well!

I got the opportunity to share my testimony in church this last Sunday. It felt wonderful to be able to stand up there and share some thoughts. I shared John 17:3, that life eternal is to get to knock God and Jesus Christ. And it really is true. We can know that Jesus is the Christ, and as we do we get closer to Him and God and can feel more joy. Reading and focusing just on Christ from Christmas Eve until New Years Day was a great experience.

Have a good week!

Elder Nelson

Final letter - Home on Thursday

The time has finally come and I'm writing my last weekly email as a missionary. Where has all the time gone? On Tuesday I'll take a ...