Monday, November 19, 2018

Savannah Stevenson Concert and Thanksgiving

Wow, it's been a wonderful week and there is so much to talk about! I'll just go straight into it.

On Tuesday we were able to help out with an awesome activity run by one of the members here. So we usually play innebandy (imagine indoor floor hockey pretty much) every other Tuesday with the primary kids in the ward, but it was one of the kid's birthday so we turned it into a big innebandy birthday party and the kid invited all his schoolmates to come play also. So there was around 20 or so primary and non member kids there with a bunch of parents as well. It was sweet and we got to talk to all the non member parents. It was a really fun finding opportunity, and we got to play innebandy with around 20 other little kids!

The next day we were able to go on splits with the Elders in Kungsbacka and it was really good! It was to finished off as we all went and got really good pizza together! Way tasty!

The big highlight of the week was on Saturday. An actress named Savannah Stevenson from England came and performed at the chapel here and we put on a big event. She is the person who was Mary in the church bible videos, as well as Glinda in Wicked. She was so good!! We were at the church starting at 2:30 pm to help with set up and seating people. There were 2 concerts, one at 4 and one at 8pm. And so many members brought friends and people from the whole stake were there. It was so sweet and we got to meet so many members, less actives, ex members, non members, and several people we were teaching were able to come. Ah, it was the perfect missionary work because the concert was a good mix of religion and other things like Broadway, and we as missionaries got to meet so many people! I think there were between 500-600 total and it was a success! The one problem was that we had to clean up, and didn't get finished and home until 11:30 (don't worry, we had the mission presidents permission)!

My thoughts about Thanksgiving come a lot from a scripture in D&C which says that:
"And in nothing doth man offend God... save those who confess not His hand in all things". It can be difficult at times to see God's hand in each of our lives, but if we take a little time and reflect on what we've been given and blessed with each day, we can see how much God really is a part of. Let us all remember to be thankful to the being who has given us everything this Thanksgiving.

Have a wonderful week and happy Thanksgiving!

Elder Nelson

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