Monday, October 29, 2018

First snow of the season!

I've now been in Göteborg for a week! And wow, it feels like the week had simultaneously flown by and taken forever! But I am enjoying the time here! We actually got some snow here this weekend! It snowed on Saturday and when we went to church yesterday there was a bit of snow sticking in the grass and on cars and stuff. It's strange! Winter is coming and it's coming quickly! But life is good and I'm liking being with Elder Cummings. He's really funny and a super smart guy! He's from New Jersey and will be going to MIT do that's pretty sweet! But yes, the week has gone well!

We actually are able to help out with the YSA center here, and that's really fun. There are only 2 of them in Sweden and I'll have had the chance to help with both of them which is really lucky and fun! It is good feeling to be back in a big city again and I'm really looking forward to working with the members and working here!

We had a really cool miracle this week! Here's what happened. We were tracting last night and met a nice couple at their door. The woman told us that she wasn't interested though because she knew we were "mormons" and she'd lived with a member family in Colorado for 6 months and already knew everything. My companion asked her when that was and explained that his mom is from there. It turns out that she lived with members from him mom's old ward and that the member family is good friends with him mom's family. The craziest thing is that the father of the family that she stayed with actually was in the branch presidency of my zone in the MTC so I'd actually met him before as well! It was crazy! They were way excited and so were we, so they told us we could come back and actually talk more about the church. It was awesome! Keep being amazing examples because it really can make a difference! Lives will be touched but we never really know in what ways.

Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing week!

Elder Nelson

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